Saturday, August 27, 2011

Let's Play Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake MSX2 (Part 9)

So we are on the 4F in Building 1 with a bunch of Mannequin soldiers but watch out some are real. We go to the women's restroom and hide in the cardboard box. We see a soldier go into the women's restroom and follow him in. We approach him and it's actually Gustava. He calls Dr. Marv and talks to him. She tells me Marv told her he's safe for now. He says there's a large crevice to the north of the tower building. The prison is on the other side where he is being held. We must go there. Gustava knows a shortcut to the crevice through an old sewer. We are down in the sewers dodging a few bull dozers. We take the elevator up to the place Dr. Madnar is being held. Madnar gives us Card 5 and accompanies us to save Dr. Marv. We are back in the sewer and Madnar asks to be excused and Snake is left with Gustava. They have a conversation. Madnar comes back and we head back up another elevator back outside.

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