Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Contagious Chemistry FOUR

FOUR Well, I've made an accomplishment, I made it through a whole week Brody's place. I better get use to waking up to his obnoxiousness because I got a call from my mom yesterday that her trip was extended another two weeks, she'll miss my birthday, I'll be turning the big 1-7. "Change it to Sports Center!" Stephen demands as he sits beside me on the couch. "College guys...sports and food," I mutter to myself as I watch him destroy his sandwich. "You forgot girls!" Stephen laughs exposing his mouth piled with ham and lettuce. "Don't you have your own home?" I eye him. He's been "sleeping over" at Brody's for four out of the seven I've been here. "Of course I do, but it's lonely," he whines making his lip quiver. "You're so stupid," I laugh smacking his shoulder. "Hey, hey! Violence is not the answer!" he grabs hold of both of my hands, chuckling. I stop laughing and stare at his hands with mine, I look up at him, and he immediately lets go of me and turns back to the TV. "Bye guys, off on a date with Cassidy!" Brody races down the stairs. "Good for you!" I say resting my head in the palm of my hands. "Oh hey Kennedy!" Brody exclaims as he opens the door. "Where are you off to on this fine afternoon?" she smiles brightly. "Date! See you later"! Brody squeezes past her and heads to his car. "DATE!?" Kennedy yells slamming the door behind her as she walks inside. "Yes Kennedy, he has a girlfriend, he's allowed to do those sort of things," I explain slowly nodding my head ...

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