Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fearless (A Jonas Daughter Story) Chapter 10 part 2

READ HERE PLEASE!!! I'm so sorry I havent posted in a LONG time, I've just been up to a lot of stuff. But here it is... PS Its short because I got to study for a quiz I have tomorrow... sorry ----------------- Nick's POV The sound of police cars roared through the air. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled again. I jumped onto his back, making fall forward. "What the fuck do you think your doing with my daughter?" I yelled, punching him in the face. I took out the mask he had on to see... "David?" Selena's voice filled the air. Every thing was silent. David. Selena's brother. David tried to kidnap my daughter?! I looked at him. "Why?" I asked. He smiled, "Thats just the way we roll." He simply stated. The police came and took him away. I cant believe this... I thought. I looked around, Sam was still in the floor. I took her into my arms, and removed the bag she had on her head.... "What the fuck?!" I yelled. This wasn't Sam, it was a manikin. (Spl?)

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