Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dissidia: Final Fantasy [Cecil vs. Manikin Golbez] SEMI-FAIL

Yep, it's another fail video from me. I restarted Cecil's storyline in Dissidia because I couldn't complete the final battle... and during my playthrough I decided I was going to get some of the items I missed due to DP or difficulty (Shell Armor, that's all I'm gonna' say...) The problem in this video, and the reason I call it a Semi-Fail is because for at least the first half of the video, I couldn't figure out how to dodge Golbez's "Nightglow" attack. I hadn't figured out the proper way to dodge, and therefore got thrown around like a rag doll. It's actually quite funny. Then I finally figure it out, and proceed to come back to win... and on top of that I fail at the EX Burst sequence. Oh yeah, it's also a semi-fail because... eh heh... Golbez is Lv3 compared to my Lv~12 Cecil. *head shake*

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