Friday, March 30, 2012

Persian Pokémon Fursuit Part 1 (The Making of)

My first attempt at making a partial fursuit, mainly for practice so I have experience before I make any complicated costumes. Certainly did not come out perfect, but I'm still pretty happy with the result. Not the worst first attempt ever (I know I say "attempted the foam base method", but that only made it to one slab of foam and I cut it wrong, so I gave-up on it, so I don't really count it as my first attempt. However, it was not my first attempt at making a tail). The manikin I used was horrifically disproportionate, so it was bulked up with foam which was duct-taped on. Yes, I know it's still not necessarily okay to use this song, but this video is non-profit, and is of no benefit to me other than just to display what I have created. Again, I am not a furry, humans are my favorite animal, I merely love costumes and think fursuits are awesome. I would definitely recommend, I got many compliments on the softness of the fur. I used pillow stuffing to keep the tail's tip in a curl. Packed tightly, the pillow stuffing is quite stiff. The rest of the tail is stuffed with scrap bits of fabric and upholstery foam. I will certainly make another fursuit one day, but not any time soon. This suit debuted at Mobicon XIV (14), and will hopefully be worn at future conventions. Part 2 (Mobicon 14 debut) :

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