Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fetto- Follow Me

Fetto- Follow Me... Beat and Recording produced by Cristian Mendez..Drop Some Comments Lyrics:-------------- Whats happenin, suddenly it feels like we're trapped again The presidents a manikin with strings in the back of him Homeland attacks, plane crashes, no accidents And What the fuck happened to the Bin Laden Capturing? This shit is getting outta hand, used to be the man in high school, now your in Afghanistan, rifle on your back, fightin for your life up in iraq, should push the button on that nuclear device and that's that dreams turn to nightmares, they cant fight fair, so they pack a van full of bombs up in times square and we're supposed to show the enemy sympathy? Fuck that, take em off the map, end their history A new terrors emergin, veteran insurgents certain That 72 virgins are behind the first curtain sweatin like he stepped in a furnace then he blows his bones in a hole on the earths surface Chorus 2x--------------------- Circuits of electrical surges, what a terrible person , collectin weapons from these federal merchants, the devils lurkin, but it aint the head of a serpent enough chemicals get the surgeon general hurtin we're watchin from our satellites, your every move, your camel rides we could spot a parasite sittin on your saddles side hi def, hi tec and high quality, atop my high horse now who wants to follow me? Theres no justice, getting busted, they just don't trust us Legal systems corrupted, leaving people in cuffs No reason to be believing in ...

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