Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Plastic Mannequin Love by Tay Kewei (Original Song)

I have been sufficiently traumatised by the realisation of how ALL the plastic we've ever used in our lifetime, are still on planet earth - either in landfills or floating around in the ocean. Google the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to find out more, or read my blog entries on this cause: While blogging I came across this picture of plastic trash - a plastic mannequin head, bruised and battered, eyes wide open, waiting.... waiting... waiting... She's waiting for something. We all know the wait is forever. Plastic is forever. And so I wrote a song for her. This is the first time I'm uploading an original song, played in the bedroom :) You can download the mp3 here: --------------------------------------------------------- Plastic Mannequin Love Music and Lyrics by Tay Kewei I'm writing a song for the universe I'm sending it out to space If there was a boy who could hear my thoughts Across the street in the window display I'm writing a song for the universe To rescue me someday I never had the chance to tell my love I loved him since that suit in grey I'm sailing, sailing In this great pacific garbage patch My love for you is forever Nothing will break me down I'm sailing, sailing You are nowhere to be found I believe one day you'll join me And we'll sail round and round, round and round Oh is that you I see Illusions they keep haunting me O! tragedy

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